How do I contact a Command Climate Specialist in a region?
Although not every region has a Command Climate Specialist, you can scroll through the Command Climate Specialist Contact List to see if there is an Command Climate Specialist in your region. If there is not one listed for your region then contact the Commander, Navy Installations Command Force Command Climate Specialist at (202) 433-4325 or DSN 288-4325.
How do I file a formal Equal Opportunity/Sexual Harassment complaint?
There are numerous ways you can file a formal Equal Opportunity/Sexual Harassment complaint. The preferred method is NAVPERS 5354/2.
Other methods to file formal Equal Opportunity/Sexual Harassment complaints are:
NAVPERS 1626/7 Report and Disposition of Offense: Used to process Equal Opportunity/Sexual Harassment complaints within a command where the Commanding Officer is authorized to provide the requested remedy (redress). The Equal Opportunity/Sexual Harassment form provides strict timelines and outlines detailed procedures for grievance resolution.
NAVREGS 1150, Redress of Wrong Committed by a Superior. If a member has a complaint against a superior and does not wish to use the Equal Opportunity/Sexual Harassment complaint form, they may file a complaint under NAVREGS article 1150, Redress of Wrong Committed by a Superior. To file a complaint under NAVREGS article 1150, the individual should obtain counsel with a lawyer at a local Naval Legal Services Office (NLSO).
UCMJ Article 138, Complaint of Wrongs Against the Commanding Officer. If the resolution from the complaint under NAVREGS Article 1150 is considered unjust by the complainant, or if the grievance is against the commanding officer, an individual may submit a complaint against the commanding officer under UCMJ Article 138.
As with the NAVREGS Article 1150, the UCMJ Article 138 "complaint of wrong" should be prepared with legal assistance and submitted via the General Court Martial Convening Authority (GCMA) over the accused commanding officer.
Navy or DoD IG - Any member who is not able to receive resolution for their grievance may contact the Navy Inspector General (IG) hotline at (800) 522-3451. The member may use the hotline to file a complaint.
A letter to Congress. All sailors are advised of their right to contact their elected official at any time. Communication with a Congressman or Senator is considered "protected communication," and as such is afforded specific rights upheld by the Navy legal system and Inspector General.
Do I have to use the informal resolution process before I file a formal complaint?
No. It is preferred that issues are handled informally at the appropriate level of the chain of command.
Can I speak to my Commanding Officer about my issue?
Yes. NAVREGS 1151 Direct Communication with the Commanding Officer provides you with that right. This process is normally called Request Mast.
If my chain of command is not responding to my complaint what should I do?
Go to the next level in the chain of command and keep going until you receive a response. If you receive no response you can Request Mast to speak to the commanding officer. Or you can file a formal complaint.