Level IV Antiterrorism Executive Seminar
The Level IV Antiterrorism Executive Seminar provides DOD senior military and civilian leadership with the requisite knowledge to enable development of AT programs, policies, and facilitate oversight of all aspects of AT programs at the operational and strategic levels. The seminar will include focused updates, detailed briefings, and an antiterrorism table-top exercise.
Per draft OPNAV guidance, the Antiterrorism Level IV Course is a requirement for some CNIC positions. We have worked to align SSLC and the AT Level IV classes in the past but have been unsuccessful as the scheduling is done by the Joint Staff for all services.
We need to get CNIC numbers up to get in compliance with the forthcoming directive and I request your support in looking for opportunities to complete this training. Please evaluate availability of the following CNIC positions that are required to attend:
Chief of Staffs
The next available class is 23-25 October 2018 at the Booz Allen Hamilton Facility, McLean Virginia. More details about the course can be found here:
PASSWORD: contact CNIC POC below.
Note: Registration Fee: Meals are provided during the seminar. A fee of $75.00 for three continental breakfasts, three lunches and other refreshments will be collected online during registration. This fee is a condition for attendance and is payable to Booz Allen Hamilton by credit card online, or by cash of check on-site.
Getting this training for the REGCOMS, COS', Region OPSOs and OCONUS CO's has been a CNIC goal for a number of years. However, it has not been actively pushed for some time and our completion numbers reflect it. Request your help in evaluating future opportunities to close the gap. CNIC HQ will provide a copy of the OPNAV instruction as soon as available.
Navy Quota POC:
LCDR Michael P. Craig
COM: (703) 692-7643
Program Manager, Senior Shore Leadership Course (SSLC)
N153 Center for Workforce Development
Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC)
716 Sicard Street SE
Washington Navy Yard, DC 20374-5140
Office ☎ (202) 433-4885
Reference Instuction:
DoD Antiterrorism (AT) Program Implementation: DoD At Standards
DoD Antiterrorism (AT) Program Implementation: DoD Force Protection Condition (FPCON) System